Quote Request | Ber-Roz Innovations

Quotation Request

Send us a quote request by submitting the following information to help speed up the process

Your Name (required)

Contact Number (required)


Address 1 (required)

Address 2 (required)


Suburb (required)

Your Email (required)

Your Project (required)

If other please specify

Estimated Area Size

width: m
length: m

Preferred start Date:

Please add a short description of what you need


Common Questions

Do you have a Budget?

It is good to be able to work from a budget from an estimated cost of what is reasonable, what is a affordable and what is a "like to have".

The unforeseen

With many projects there are the unforeseen circumstances that can occur, when you arrange for an onsite visit as if there might be something you have not though about with your specific job at hand, like storage of materials, estimated length of project, etc.

Do some research

As a rule of thumb do some research on what you want done, the kinds of materials that might be used, possible design styles that you like, it can help for us to get a better idea to give you the end result you want.

Prepare any indoor area?

Although we take great care in our preparation or work surfaces it is not required but recommended to move or cover any sentimental objects or large furniture yourself, as that can reduce any possibility of damage.